Let's Connect
Let's Connect

For Refugees/Immigrants

Are you a Ukrainian individual, or non-Ukrainian individual who last habitually resided in Ukraine, who has been granted humanitarian parole? Are you currently living in Kansas City, Missouri or the surrounding Missouri area?

Contact our UHP Team today and learn about benefits and services.

What are some benefits or services you could be eligible for as a Ukrainian in the US? 

Ukrainian humanitarian parolees are eligible to apply for federal mainstream benefits, such as cash assistance through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Supplemental Security Income, health insurance through Medicaid, and food assistance through Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). If you are not eligible to receive these mainstream benefits, you can be screened for eligibility at Della Lamb for other services. We are here to assist Ukrainians in the Kansas City area. 

Get in contact with our team here.


Good day! We are a non-profit charitable organization, Della Lamb Community Services, providing free assistance to Ukrainians who have arrived in Kansas City and the nearby cities in the state of Missouri. We offer free assistance in registering for various types of support, such as Food Stamps, Medicaid, Cash Assistance, and others. We also provide free informational support for obtaining a Social Security Number, Employment Authorization, Temporary Protection Status, and many other services. If you plan to come to our state, please contact us – we will be happy to assist you.

Доброго дня! Ми – благодійна неприбуткова організація Della Lamb Community Services, що надає безкоштовну допомогу українцям, які прибули до Канзас-Сіті та найближчих міст у штаті Міссурі. Ми безкоштовно допомагаємо реєструватися на різноманітні види допомоги, такі як Food Stamps, Medicaid, Cash Assistance та інші. Також ми безкоштовно надаємо інформаційну підтримку щодо отримання номера соціального страхування (Social Security Number), дозволу на працевлаштування (Employment Authorization), статусу тимчасового захисту (Temporary Protection Status) та багатьох інших послуг. Якщо ви плануєте приїхати до нашого штату, будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нами – ми з радістю надамо вам допомогу.